Teacher Mentorship

  • Since 2001, Alexandria Public Schools has had a comprehensive induction program for new teachers.  Our model is developed around the components of highly effective induction programming such as administrative support, professional development and mentoring.  Prior to the start of the school year, new teachers attend five days of orientation facilitated by the District Teacher Mentorship Coodinator. Through monthly seminars, coaching observations, reflective practice and working with trained mentors we continue the support and development of our new teachers throughout their entire probationary period.

    Our mentor training seminars are built upon research based, time-proven strategies and programs.

  • Teacher Induction Coordinator

    I am Marceia Andreasen and I have the privilege of serving Alexandria Public Schools as the New Teacher Induction Coordinator.

    I earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Social Studies Education and Coaching from Moorhead State University and a Master of Education degree in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. I began teaching high school social studies in 1997 and joined the faculty here in the fall of 2013. During my time in the classroom at Alexandria Area High School, I taught social studies in the Health Science and Human Services Academy. During my career, in addition to teaching, I have held positions in academic counseling, activity and athletic directing, as a concurrent enrollment instructor for Southwest Minnesota State University and in coaching.

  • In my role as the Induction Coordinator I support probationary staff in their first three years in the district by connecting them with trained mentors, assisting them as they become acclimated to the district, serving as a resource and offering professional development opportunities. I also teach CAPS Teacher Education / Foundations of Education at Alexandria Area High School concurrent with Southwest Minnesota State University.